Intro | Map 1 | Map 2 | Map 3 | Map 4 | Map 5 | Map 6 | Map 7
5a | 5b | 5c | 5d | 5e | 5f | 5g | 5h | 5i | 5j | 5k | 5l | 5m | 5n
- If you used a rope to get down from the third deep, answer Yes to get back up. Otherwise you can climb.
- Use perception at the doors for a not very exciting message. Use picklock or the Unlock spell to open any of the doors.
- You cannot walk down these stairs as some unseen force pushes you back. This is hardly intentional, see below.
- Use perception to find an opening in the ceiling. Climb up.
- An opening in the floor. Climb down to #4.
- Use perception for some information. Use a pick or Durin's pick to make a dwarf statue appear. The statue wants two passwords. Tell him 'Mahal' and 'seven'. You are teleported to #7.
- You can walk through the wall here to #6.
- You can walk through the wall here to #9.
- You can walk through the wall here to #8.
- Trade the Gold hammer to the dwarf statue. (If you got here using Durin's pick on the sixth level, this is neither possible nor necessary.)
- Trade the Gold chisel to the dwarf statue. (If you got here using Durin's pick on the sixth level, this is not necessary.)
- Trade the Gold anvil to the dwarf statue. (If you got here using Durin's pick on the sixth level, this is not necessary.)
- When you enter any the shaded areas encircling the central square, a voice tells you not to proceed unless all the golden tools have been returned (at #10–12). If any of the tools are missing, and you proceed anyway, all characters except those who have Dwarf lore take 6–12 points of damage.
- If the spirit of Moria Doom was released in Gorthad, the ghost on the dias asks you to destroy it. Otherwise, Loni asks for the proper sign. Use the !Sign of seven word of power. All characters receive a stat increase (+3 Endurance, +3 Life, +3 Will). Get Durin's Axe.
- The section marked '?' is not used. You can teleport there: map 10, x 1575, y 3155.
- The script for the stairs at #3 is rather strange. If you enter the hotspot from the east, it teleports you to the stairs at 'x'. Otherwise it teleports you to #3 (which explains the apparent 'pushing'). But there is no way to enter the hotspot from the east! Apparently, the stairs were meant to connect somehow, but they do not. The stairs at 'x' do not lead anywhere as there is no script.
- At the spot marked 'y' you would trigger a fully functional script, if it did not depend on a variable that is never set. If the leader had Dwarf lore, he would notice that a support beam was buckling; and if had not, the party would walk into a shower of rocks (after the wrong text was displayed; no suitable string exists in the map data). All characters would take 2–8 points of damage. You could then use perception to find some seven-sided stone blocks (paragraph 111 in the manual). You could even get the stone blocks (× 7). They serve no purpose in the game. They are further referred to in paragraphs 90 and 96. Perhaps you were meant to be able to decipher the dwarven runes on them somehow?
- As indicated on the map above, the hotspots for #13 do not completely encircle the central area. You can sneak past the avenging barrier.
- The voice at #13 will warn you even though the tools are all returned – in fact, even though you have already received Durin's Axe.
- Normally, global variables are used in the game to test for an event that occurs on another map. (For example, in order to test in the Shire whether the Black Riders were dispersed at the Ford – that is, on the Rivendell map – you need a global variable.) When a variable needs to be accessed on the current map only, local variables are available. In the scripts for Moria, however, a global variable is sometimes used even when a local one would suffice. This is the case with the three doors at #2. It would be possible to test on another map what door(s) the player chose to open here, but I don't think that was ever intended. There are also scripts that fail to work properly because the script sets a global variable, but tests a local one (#8 in the third deep is a case in point).