Intro | Map 1 | Map 2 | Map 3 | Map 4 | Map 5 | Map 6 | Map 7
5a | 5b | 5c | 5d | 5e | 5f | 5g | 5h | 5i | 5j | 5k | 5l | 5m | 5n
- Passage down to the third level.
- If Gimli, Gandalf, or Kiri is present, he recognizes this place as the chamber of Gabilgathol. The eastern doorway is guarded by three statues. If Gandalf is present, he notes that Saruman made them; and if anyone has Wizard lore, he notes that the statues are magical (again). The statues demand a password. Tell them 'Khazad-Dum' (or 'Moria' to annoy them). The ghostly statues mention the Lady's token and the golden items needed for Durin's Axe. As they disintegrate, the spectral voice from the Forsaken Inn cellar speaks again.
- You are teleported to the spirit lair on the sixth level (#5). Step carefully, or you might fall into the abyss after being teleported.
- Passage and stairs up to the sixth level.
- You are attacked by five huge spiders. When they are gone, five more spring down on you. There are five of these spots.
- Using perception you find that these are the tombs of Dwili and Buri.
- Using perception you find that these are the tombs of Throri and Blain. Get the two torches.
- A text paragraph is shown (actually, different texts depending on whether Sam is present or not). Use a pick or Durin's pick (using a shovel does not help). You get the !Sign of seven word of power.
- The three statues were apparently meant to disappear when you give the correct password, but for some reason it does not work as expected. You can walk past them though.
- At the spots marked 'x' you trigger a fully functional script, but it does not do anything useful. It sets a Boolean variable to 'on' if it is off, and vice versa. The same variable is set at the sarcophagi, but it is not used for anything. I wonder what the idea behind this was.
- At the spots marked 'y' you trigger another script, fully functional except that it depends on a global variable that is never set, so nothing happens. If you set the variable manually by hacking the savefiles, the map turns dark at these spots with the message, 'An evilly chuckling wind chills body and spirit and douses your light!'. You would then use a torch or the Illuminate spell to get light again.