Intro | Map 1 | Map 2 | Map 3 | Map 4 | Map 5 | Map 6 | Map 7
7a | 7b | 7c | 7d | 7e | 7f
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- First cellar level.
- a. Use perception to find a secret passage to the keep.
- b. Secret passage to the standing stone.
- c. Use perception to spot a crate from the Shire. Use a prybar to open it. It is full of machine parts.
- d. Use picklock or the Unlock spell to free the prisoner in this cell. Bridofin joins the Fellowship if there is a vacancy, otherwise he leaves.
- e. Use picklock or the Unlock spell to free the prisoner in this cell. If Gimli is present, Hain recognizes him. The dwarf joins the Fellowship if there is a vacancy, otherwise he leaves.
- f. You are attacked by four orcs.
- g. The Quartermaster (an uruk) and his two pet spiders attack. Use perception. You find a strange key. Get the red key.
- Second cellar level.
- a. You are attacked by three olog-hai.
- b. You have been blinded. The screen turns grey and freezes for a moment.
- c. If you step on the evil eye, all characters lose 1–2 Endurance.
- d. If you are heading west, the screen turns grey for a moment and you are attacked by two olog-hai. If you head east you are attacked by two olog-hai.
- e. Fire pit.
- f. Stairs. If you have the magic glass, you see the maze downstairs as it really is; you are teleported to #3. Otherwise you enter the trap maze, #4.
- Third cellar level. This is what the maze really looks like.
- a. You are attacked by two giant spiders.
- b. You are attacked by two invisible giant spiders.
- c. Fire pit, doing 1–8 points of damage.
- Third cellar level. This is the illusionary layout of the level.
- a. If you have Wizard lore, you can use the Countermagic spell or the !Melian word of power to dispel the illusion. You are teleported to #3.
- b. You are attacked by two giant spiders.
- c. Invisible fire pit, doing 1–8 points of damage.
- d. You are attacked by two invisible giant spiders.
- e. Fire pit, doing 1–8 points of damage.
- f. Invisible stairs down.
- Fourth cellar level.
- a. A sign states that you are in Warlock's Hold.
- b. You come upon a pool of water and some strange statues.
- c. If you step into the water, you are turned to stone. Bad idea.
- d. You are teleported to the spot marked 'x'.
- e. You are teleported to the spot marked 'y'.
- f. If you step on the evil eye, all characters lose 1–2 Endurance.
- g. Use perception to spot a secret door.
- h. You are attacked by three sorcerer statues.
- Fifth cellar level.
- a. A sign states that you are in Sauron's Harrow.
- b. The Black Breath is active. A test is made against the character's Will. If it fails, the character takes 1–3 points of damage.
- c. Hellish visions of tormented souls. All characters take 1 point of damage.
- d. You are teleported to the spot marked 'x'.
- e. The screens turns dark for a moment. You are attacked by four barrow-wights.
- f. One of the Fellowship turns against the others. If you stand around doing nothing, he attacks eventually. Use the !Melian word of power to cure his madness.
- g. You are attacked by a nazgûl. When he is down, get the malachite key left behind.
- h. Use the malachite key to open the cell door. (Picklock does not help.) If Sam was kidnapped in Lorien, he stumbles out and rejoins the Fellowship. Otherwise the cell is empty.
Questions |
Bridofin | Us, Spider, Other/Hobbit/Prison |
Hain | We, Rescue, Spider/Other/Hobbit/Prison |
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- If Bridofin leaves the Fellowship because you already have ten people, the wrong string is displayed. The correct string reads: 'Bridofin is glad to be out of Dol Guldur. "I think I'll try to escape on my own." he says. You wish him luck, and regret that he did not ask to join the Fellowship.'
- You cannot jump the fire pit at 2e, but you can teleport to the other side (map 14, x 35, y 725). There is nothing useful there, though.