Intro | Map 1 | Map 2 | Map 3 | Map 4 | Map 5 | Map 6 | Map 7
7a | 7b | 7c | 7d | 7e | 7f
- You come upon an area cleared of trees within sight of the tower.
- You are attacked by four uruks and a sorcerer. If the false Radagast is present, he changes into wolf-form and joins the fray. The event occurs once only. When you defeat a sorcerer you get his dagger.
- You find a concealed, narrow entrance by the standing stone. The exit is in the lower levels of Dol Guldur. If he was present, Gollum slips away while you squeeze your way through.
- Gollum warns against going to the front gate of the tower, and wants you to look for the standing stone.
- You are attacked by five olog-hai and a nazgûl.
- The gate is closed. The drawbridge must be lowered from inside.
- Keep.
- a. You are attacked by four orcs.
- b. You are met by the surreal sight of two trees being transformed into orcs. Attack them to put an end to their misery, and to be met by a sentence no less surreal: 'The wooden orcs seem quite happy to be dead.'
- c. Two trolls being warped into solid stone. There is nothing you can do about them.
- d. A brazier spouts out fire at you, doing 1–6 points of damage unless you have the Ice staff.
- e. Secret passage to the lower levels of Dol Guldur. Use perception to be instantly teleported. If he was present, Gollum takes the opportunity to sneak away from the Fellowship.
- When you enter the keep by the gate, you end up in one of the hotspots for the orc guards (7a).