Intro | Map 1 | Map 2 | Map 3 | Map 4 | Map 5 | Map 6 | Map 7
4a | 4b | 4c | 4d | 4e | 4f
 | | |  |
- If the ring spirit in the central barrow is not destroyed, you are attacked by two chanting barrow-wights. If the ring spirit is destroyed, and you have not been here to disturb the barrow-wights, use perception to find a stone slab with runes on it. If you have Numenorean lore, you can interpret the words ("Melkor rules Aman"); otherwise, you read them in some foreign language ("Amann'ar Melkor").
- If the ring spirit in the central barrow is not destroyed, you are attacked by two barrow-wights.
- You are attacked by three barrow-wights. Using perception you notice that something was buried in the center of the barrow. Use a shovel to dislodge it. You are attacked by the ring spirit. When it is destroyed, each character heals 2–8 Life points and the barrows are no longer haunted.
- If the ring spirit in the central barrow is not destroyed, the spirits of the Faithful rise to greet you. If Aragorn is present, they bow to him, acknowledging his lordship. In either case they request a boon. Use perception to find some athelas in a corner. Get four doses of athelas.
- The barrow is not haunted. Use perception to find a bag of gold coins. However, when you get them, they prove to be ordinary silver pennies.
Questions |
Faithful Spirit | Boon, Faithful, Numenor, Curse, Sauron, Ring | | |
- Curiously, there is a "bag of gold" in the game data, but it is not used in the game.
- When you destroy the evil ring spirit, the Faithful Spirit in the southernmost barrow does not go away, he just stops responding.
- The ghostly voice in the Rivendell crypt speaks of the Faithful Spirit, but the last two lines are mysterious: "He waits til the Last / Ask of his Past". In what way does the Faithful Spirit wait til the last? It is possible that some plot twist was never implemented here.