Intro | Map 1 | Map 2 | Map 3 | Map 4 | Map 5 | Map 6 | Map 7
2a | 2b | 2c | 2d | 2e
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- The house of Tom Bombadil is a sheltered haven in this hostile land.
- a: The first time you enter the house, all party members are fully healed.
- b: Tom asks you to lend him the Ring. Answer Yes. All party members get the !Bombadil word of power.
- c: In the kitchen, get the rations (× 4).
- d: Upstairs, Goldberry asks you to bring her lilies that will restore her health. Get the Gold token.
Once you have found the lilies, trade them to Goldberry. Each member of the Fellowship receives a stat increase (+2 to Endurance, Life, Will, Dexterity, and Luck).
- e: Answer Yes to get some sleep. The Ringbearer (if present) restores 1–6 Life points and gets the !Angmar word of power.
- Garden. Get the pipeweed, athelas (× 2), red beans, and dwarfwort. Red beans restore 2 Life points, dwarfwort 4.
- Trade a Red acorn to Ruddyoak and he joins the Fellowship.
- The Black Alder is lurking here, ready to ambush unwary wanderers. He will not attack if Ruddyoak is present. To avoid the Black Alder, simply pass the tree to the east.
- If you bring Ruddyoak, he almost trips on something buried (being a long-rooted fellow). Use a shovel at the top of the barrow. Get the springstone.
- If you have talked to Goldberry, use perception to find that there are no lilies left in her pool.
- If you are on Goldberry's quest, a message says that a lily blossom floats by ... but you cannot see any stream, so it is hard to tell where it came from.
- Red oak tree. In the standard version, use perception to find three acorns. Get a red acorn. (There are three acorns in the tree but you can get one only. This is intentional.)
In the enhanced version there is a bug preventing you from getting any acorn at all, see below.
- Behind the waterfall is the entrance to the Riverwoman's cave.
- a. Get the Spider sword that someone dropped here.
- b. Withywindle's throne.
Use the gold token (or trade it). The Riverwoman says that while she cannot defeat winter, if you bring her the Springstone she might be able to do something. Once you have found it, trade the Springstone to Withywindle. She gives you some lilies for her daughter. - Use Countermagic to pass through the ice wall. (If you use a torch or the Firefinger spell, you are told that fire is not going to do it.)
- Use perception to find Durond's staff embedded in the wall. Get the Ice staff.
- You find a stone tablet. Read it for some information on the ice staff.
- There are lilies in a shadowed pool at the bottom of the crater. If you try to climb, though, you are warned that the sides of the pit are too slippery. Keep moving and you will fall into the pool in the cave below (near 9a). You should probably consider yourself lucky that the roof of the cave did not collapse; it is not entirely clear what is supporting it.
- An invisible border runs south from here and west across the bridge. Ruddyoak will not cross the border. If you do, he leaves the Fellowship.
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Tom Bombadil | Barrow, Gandalf, Forest/Old Forest, Willow/Old Man Willow, Black Rider, Withywindle, Goldberry, Ruddy oak/Ruddyoak, Acorn/Red acorn, Springstone, Lily/Lilies, Bree, Tree, River, Black Alder |
Goldberry | Lily/Lilies, Oak/Red acorn, Withywindle, Springstone, Tom/Bombadil |
Ruddyoak | Springstone/Stone, Red acorn, Withywindle, Black Alder, Master, Tom/Bombadil |
Withywindle | Lily/Lilies, Springstone/Ruddyoak, Ice, Goldberry, Tom/Bombadil |
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- If you ask Withywindle about 'Ice', you get a strange reply. For some reason, a few strings from the Lórien map appear in the Bombadil map data, and this is one of them. Another case was if you asked Tom Bombadil about Black Riders, but this was corrected in the enhanced version. I have no idea what Withywindle was supposed to say about ice.
- When you pass through the ice wall, you may experience a silly bug that teleports you back immediately. You should be able to bypass it by pressing on east without stopping (keep the right arrow key pressed down).
- The addition of the automatic Get feature in the enhanced version introduced a problem with scripts that test for the Get action (in some circumstances). With the red oak tree, the game is supposed to allow you to get one acorn only: the moment you get it, the script is disabled. This is how it works in the standard version. In the enhanced version, though, the scripted test for the Get action backfires somehow, with the result that your one chance to get the acorn is lost the moment you find the tree. Similarly, there is an orc in Sharkey's Shipping who is supposed to attack you if you wake him up by getting a key. Again, the Get event backfires, with the result that the orc wakes up automatically. (Fortunately you can still get the key after the fight.) The solution in these cases is to rewrite the script, as the order of events is crucial.
- The message in the screenshot below, shown the first time you enter Tom's house, was added in the enhanced version.
Interestingly, the string replaced one that read: 'Bitter bone-biting chill drains 's energy.' – with a space for the name. In the standard version, the old string is present in the map data, but not used. Athelwyn never uses her magic on the Fellowship, but apparently at one time during development she was meant to.